When your account gets frozen under "frozen for protection/investigation", it means the Moderation Team spotted signs that someone else had taken over your account and was busy moving items, Neopoints, or pets. To keep everything safe and sound and kick out the thief, they’ve frozen the account to protect you - it doesn't mean you did anything wrong.
Want to thaw out the ice to rescue your pets? You will need to write in to Support to prove account ownership by:
- Submitting a Ticket: Head to www.neopets.com/help and choose "Frozen Account" under the Neopets category.
- Providing Account Info: Give as much of the following as you can:
- Previous emails and birthday (both must be spot-on and verified)
- NC Purchase history (dates, amounts, and transaction IDs)
- Premium Purchase history (dates, plan types, and transaction IDs)
- NeoFriends list
- NC Trade History (trades with other users—item names and their usernames, not NC purchases)
- NC Mall Purchase History
If the first agent can’t verify your info, don’t fret! Submit a new ticket under "Frozen Account Appeals" at www.neopets.com/help, but only do this if the agent asks you to. You’ll need to provide your initial ticket number for the appeal.