How long do I have to press the Collect Premium Prizes button after signing up for Premium?

Once you have signed up for Premium the "Collect Premium Prizes" button should show up on the Neopies Hubpage fairly soon after. We recommend that you go and press the button right away, so you don't risk losing any prizes. However, you technically have until the Winner of any Category you voted for before becoming Premium are announced. For example, if you Voted for Category 1 and then became Premium you would have until the end of the day on Feb 4th to press the button and get your random Premium Prize as the Winner would be announced on Feb 5th.

Another Example: If you Vote for Category 1 and 2 and then become Premium you can only get Category 1 random Premium Prize until end of day Feb 4th, but would still be able to get Category 2 random Premium Prize until end of day Feb 5th.