To get the Premium Bonus Prize Item, similar to the regular Bonus Prize Items, you will need to vote for every Category the day it comes out. However, you do not need to be Premium during the whole event to get this Item but will need to sign up for Premium that day and press the "Collect Premium Prizes" Button before the last Category winner is announced. If on the last day of voting you have succeeded in voting for each Category and receive the regular Bonus Prize Items, but also want to get the Premium Bonus Prize Item, you can go sign up for Premium that day and it will be included in the Prizes you receive from coming back to the Neopians Hubpage and clicking the "Collect Premium Prizes" Button. But just like other Premium items received this way you must collect the items before the Category you voted for has its winner announced. Important Note: You will NOT receive any other Premium Prize Pool Items besides that of the Category you voted for that day and the Premium Bonus Prize Item.