2025 Neopies
- What are the Neopies?
- When do the Neopies start and when do they end?
- How are the Neopies finalists chosen?
- How do I submit my vote?
- How many times can I vote per day?
- How long do I have to vote on each category?
- Do I have to vote for all of the categories that are up on a certain day?
- Do I get a prize for voting?
- How do the Prize Pools work?
- I was shown three items from the Premium Prize Pool I could get if I become Premium. Am I guaranteed those prizes?
- Okay I Voted and then became Premium, how do I get my new Prize(s)?
- How long do I have to press the Collect Premium Prizes button after signing up for Premium?
- Will I get Premium Prizes for Categories I already voted for before becoming Premium if those Categories are still Open for others to Vote in?
- Can I retroactively get Prizes for Categories I didn't Vote for by signing up for Premium?
- I signed up for Premium but still don't see my Premium Prize(s) today.
- I don’t have Premium. Can I still do the Neopies?
- If I happen to miss a day of voting, so that I have two categories to vote on the following day, can I vote for one of those categories and then come back later in the day and vote for the other?
- If I change my mind after I have voted in a particular category for that day, can I change my vote?
- How can I get the Bonus Prize Items?
- Wait, what exactly goes into getting the Premium Bonus Prize Item? Do I need to be Premium for the whole event?
- Is there an Avatar related to the Neopies now?
- Is Orion showing up at the Neopies?
- Can I participate in the Neopies on my side accounts?