We're sorry to hear you want to deactivate your account!

If you're *really* sure you want to remove your account, first make sure you are logged into the account you wish to deactivate -- then visit the remove account page (http://www.neopets.com/remacct.phtml) and enter your password below your username. Please note that in order to confirm you are the account owner and have the authority to deactivate this account, you must log in to the account and remove it yourself. We cannot deactivate the account for you by request.

Once your account has been removed, you will no longer be able to access it. In order to regain access to a deactivated account, you will need to submit a ticket and confirm the account belongs to you. This can be a long process that you might want to avoid, so please think twice before you hit that deactivate button!

In addition, please be aware that neither you (nor anybody else) will be able to use that username (or any of your pet names) again. Deactivated doesn't mean the same thing as deleted -- you are essentially freezing your account, not erasing it. Accounts and account information are not permanently deleted from our database until the account is eligible for purging due to inactivity after at least 2 years.

If your Neopets account has been integrated with NeoPass, you must deactivate it through the NeoPass settings page. Please be aware that deactivating your NeoPass account will also deactivate all linked accounts.

We thank you for visiting us and hope you had an enjoyable experience!