The duration of an account freeze depends on the reason behind it. For specific details on each common type of freeze, check out the section "What Can Accounts Be Frozen For?"
- Low Level Freezes:
- Protective Freezes: Accounts frozen for protection can be reinstated at any time with the proper verification.
- Deactivated by CS Agents: If an account was deactivated by a CS agent, it can never be restored. However, if you deactivate your account yourself through the site, it can be reactivated after verification.
- High-Level Freezes: Accounts with high-level freezes usually have a two-year waiting period before they can potentially be reinstated unless there is sufficient evidence for us to reinstate the account back to you after investigation. After the two-year waiting period, account ownership will need to be reverified.
- Permanent Freezes: Some high-level freezes, like those for Glitch Abuse or Ignoring Other Freezings, are permanent and the account can never be returned.